Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sunday at the Martintown Mill

Every Sunday through the summer, the Martintown Mill hosts an art show and farmers' market.

 The art show is housed in the newly renovated Martintown Mill, an historic site.

The space inside is really nice, divided up for four artists. Natalie chose one wall and her colourful hooked rugs looked fabulous.

 My painted china fit in nicely in the setting I thought.

I haven't done much painting as of late, so stock is running low. 

Meanwhile, Natalie was finding her inspiration behind the mill at the water's edge photographing the myriad of painted lady butterflies that have been inundating the area as of late.


  1. Nice photos, Ronna! Your china looked great. I do like that mill very much. I had a fun day with you. :)

  2. And hey, I own that bench now! I'm going to paint it red.

  3. I seem to always be away for these things. Loved all your wares and that mill is beautiful. Great photos.

  4. What a beautiful location. Your painted china looks great, as always.
