Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summer at the Cottage

 My cousins Jane and James have a cottage on Lac Notre Dam near Morin Heights.

This year they drove up from their home in Nashville with their dog Nila. She was pretty uneasy around the lake but by the end of our afternoon visit, she sat with us on the dock.

 The weather was hot and sunny and perfect for having a drink and hanging out at the water's edge.

 It was a really windy day but Richard and Jane braved the hot breeze and went for spin in the paddle boat.

 The disappeared around the island in the middle of the lake and then suddenly...

 ...there they were again.

Big waves as they came into shore. Just after their return, the winds blew in a big rain storm and we had our barbecue at the dining room table instead of on the deck outside. The rains are really needed in these parts so we were pretty happy to see them.

And even in the wind, I managed to do a quick drawing in my sketch pad of our wonderful day up at the cottage. The windsurfers loved it!


  1. That dog is SO adorable!
    I think she might like going on a pedal boat too!
    Looked like a great week-end.

  2. Great sketch of the lake on a windy day. It really conveys how the trees were tossing around and the waves splashing.
