Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tree Moving

 That mini-tornado that hit last week managed to knock over one of my large cedars.

 Richard attempted to right it, but his car wasn't strong enough.

 Our farmer neighbour to the rescue!

Richard and he chained up the tree and yanked it up. My job was to slow traffic down at the top of the hill. Thankfully, it was a Sunday and only five cars had to be directed to go around the tractor.

 Once it was straight, they roped it up to a stake in the ground...

And then he backed up the tractor and drove away with the tree looking pretty good. We're watering it now in hopes that it lives. Stay tuned.


  1. Good job. I think you should decorate this one at Christmas. ;-)

  2. Wow, excellent work! I hope your cedar does okay. THat was quite the storm we had.

  3. Great job by all!
    I am rooting for the tree!

  4. I am rooting for the tree and hope it is also rooting! Great rescue mission...

  5. Great tree rescue story. Situations like this make us really appreciate having farmer neighbours with the right tractor to do the job.
