Wednesday, July 25, 2012


 Last Saturday Richard and I went to a game of horseball being played down the road in Glen Robertson.

 It's like basketball, played four-on-four. The ball is soccerball-size with six handles.

The goal of the game is to throw the ball through the large nets positioned at either end of the ring. Apparently the game originated in Portugal in the 1700s when they used a live duck as the ball. Thank gawd some things have changed!

And it made this week's Glengarry News!


  1. Looks like Quidditch without the brooms.

  2. I like Evlyn's comment! :) Great photos. I'm glad they made the paper!

  3. I just saw those pics this morning in my News! Great photos. From what I hear, a pretty wild kind of game. Hopefully we'll see more of your articles in the paper.
