Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Weird or What?

 Over the weekend, Richard and I headed to L'Orignal to the old jail.

It's no longer a working prison, but a museum. And guess what? They were hosting an art show.

 And not just any art show! A show of old masters.

 Old masters in a jail? Couldn't be.

But indeed it was. Students in a local art class were asked to copy a fine work of art for the show.

Who needs to go to Europe? The Musee d'Orsay? Nah. The Louvre? Uh uh.

 And here's our intrepid reporter, posing with/as the Mona Lisa. Love the reflection.

While out back in the exercise yard, the gallows are still hanging around, perhaps waiting for someone who gives them a bad review. I loved the show, right?


  1. Very interesting. I have one of the old jail's windows.

  2. Looks like the students did a great job with their copies. What a novel idea to bring the Masters to L'Orignal.

  3. You're right - that is really weird. It is like some sort of bizarre avant-garde installation you would see in a New York Gallery (copies of old masters by students in a jail!). Super funky - especially the gallows at the end.

  4. Weird but wonderful!! It reminds me of the Cornwall jail. Must be the same vintage. I'll have to go visit!

  5. What a funky idea! And they still have the gallows? How bizarre!

  6. Great post. Thank you so much for taking the time to document your visit to the old jail.

    signed: Tourisme Prescott Russell Tourism
