Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Art Fayre 2012

 This year's Art Fayre took place at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum last weekend.

 There was fabulous artwork all over the inside log walls of the Lodge.

I particularly loved Brenda Kennedy's laughing hearts. That my mini-house under it.

 Brian Schofield's amazing wood turned art pieces.

 Outside there were tasty snacks and Sigrun and Natalie were trying them out.

 Artwork was tucked into every nook and cranny. Above left were three of my small drawings.

 Natalie's bright pencil drawings looked great on the log walls.

 Meanwhile, there was more art to be set up outside.

 Sometimes artists were as colourful as their artwork.

 Over at the Big Beaver Schoolhouse, Sue set up a children's art display.

 Some of the kids took turns being the teacher...

 ...while self-portraits looked on appreciatively.

 Outside there were artists demonstrating how they made their art. Brian did some woodturning...

 ...while Gerdine used her chainsaw to create her masterpieces.

 There were more demos under the pavilion.

 And more artwork inside the Lodge.

Art Fayre. A great way to show off the museum in Dunvegan and the talents of local artists.


  1. It was a really good show, well organized and lots of fun. Thanks to you and everyone who helped put it together.

  2. GREAT pics, Ronna!! I am stealing the one of me and Sigrun!
