Thursday, May 24, 2012

Things Are Just Ducky

Over at Knatolee's World, my namesake duck, Ronna-duck is having her ducklings!

Can you have ducklings? Okay, so Ronna-duck's ducklings are hatching. My grandbaby ducklings.

On the weekend there was only one baby out of its shell.

A little cutie for sure. Very soft and fuzzy!

Gordon and Natalie, keepers of all things duck-like were pretty tickled with the new arrival as well. Keep 'em coming Ronna-duck!


  1. That is just the cutest thing.
    Look at the little wee one on its mama's back!
    You are obviously a proud surrogate Grandma!

  2. Aw, that is too cute Ronna.....well done Ronna duck, you're doing a great job.

    Claire :}
