Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Butterfly Days

There seem to be more butterflies than usual this year. And they seem to be here earlier too.

 Yesterday I saw my first monarch and then a eastern tiger swallowtail on my lilacs.

I just love the quality of the light in these photos. They scream spring!

More butterflies. Over at Natalie's house, I happened upon a black swallowtail. It's already been an amazing year for butterflies and it's still early.
A few days ago I posted about not knowing which butterflies were which and my brother-in-law John sent me this website. Check it out! Worth re-posting: http://littlebrownjobbies.blogspot.ca/2011/02/butterflies-of-southern-ontario.html


  1. These are beautiful! ANd I noticed that black swallowtail flapping around the yard. You got a fabulous photo!

  2. The light is gorgeous in the lilac photos. I read somewhere that there are more butterflies this year and that they are arriving earlier. Let's hope it's a new trend.

  3. It is great that you got to see, and photograph, Swallowtails. I am envious because I haven't seen any yet. What beautiful pics.

  4. knat sent me over to look at your last sep blog entry on Andrew Wyeth
    loved it
    greetings from wales
