Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Shaggy, the Working Dog

I went to my local video store the other day and I felt a pair of eyes watching me. Sure enough...

...sitting under the electric "Now Playing" sign is Shaggy, the video store dog. He's part Shih Tzu and part beagle.

He's very sweet and always anxious to welcome new customers.


  1. I miss Shaggy and that video store! Say hi to Linda for me.

  2. He's so cute! I said hi to him through the window the other day!

  3. He looks very sweet. The little store/PO in the Glen has a cute long haired dachsund who is sometimes there to welcome us.

  4. He must see a lot of movies. I wonder which ones he likes. Anything with dogs in it, I imagine.

  5. This is a great posting I have read. I like your article.

  6. Cute. What do you call that? A shigle? A beatzu (like bijou!)

  7. I love it when stores have live animal mascots, what a great dog he looks to be.
