Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Spring!

With temperatures at 26C this weekend (and forecast for all week too), it felt more like summer than spring. Richard and I headed down to Canadian Tire to pick out pea seeds.

My late mother always said that peas could be planted as soon as the ground was workable -- or even before that. She said, "You can even throw the seeds onto the snow." Well, the ground was muddy in my garden. Parts seemed frozen underground but those seeds went in -- March 18th when it was still technically winter! Watch this space for pea sprout updates. And yes, that is snow on the field behind me.


  1. A friend gave us some garlic last year and told us we could plant it right up until the ground freezes, he was right to it is actually growing now, planted way to much lol :)

  2. Way to go, Ronna! We will all be envious when you are eating peas in May.

  3. This is an outrage!

  4. There's nothing that says spring is here like putting seeds in the ground. I'm rooting for your peas (ha ha).
