Thursday, February 16, 2012

Over-Wintering Robin

I thought I heard a robin last month. Impossible! We live in a cold climate and around here, robins don't generally show up till the snow starts to recede and the days get a bit longer and warmer.

Under my mother's flowering crab tree were remnants of apples that had been eaten.

 A few even remain on the little tree.

And as luck would have it, I was out feeding the birds when I heard the robin again. This time, I had my camera and managed a few shots.

No longer a harbinger of spring, it seems robins are now over-wintering in these parts and are becoming more and more common. They're not seed eaters so after the frozen crab apples are gone, and no worms or bugs yet to munch on, I suppose I could put out a few raisins or some cut up apples? Any ideas?


  1. You might want to contact Cornell's Ornithology department and see what they suggest... I thought I heard some robins the other day, but haven't seen any yet!

  2. Raisins are good (unless you have dogs, as raisins are toxic to dogs.) You could also try other dried fruit/berries (cranberries, etc) GIve the apples a shot too!

  3. About a year ago my husband and I were trying to figure out where robins go when the weather turns cold around here. They congregate in our yard during the fall then take off.

    We were surprised to discover that while some do head south to warmer climates, others reportedly head north to Canada. They must find some good eatin' up there somewhere ...

  4. I'm with Marcia. Consult an expert in Ormithology. Sometimes it is best not to mess with mother nature.
    And Natalie. Thanks for telling us that raisins are toxic to dogs. I did not know that.

  5. Hey, let's dance:

  6. Since robins are meat eaters maybe a bit of cat food?

  7. It definitely makes spring feel closer to see a robin, even if it has been here all winter. Wonderful pictures. Do robins like suet?

  8. Oh love a sweet little Robin.....

    We have Flame Robins here and they certainly brighten up a dull Winter's day......

    Claire :}
