Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Winter Walk

The cold weather can really get to you but living in the country it's the best time to walk the back 40! Here's the old butternut tree. Many of them are dying of butternut cancer. I had a tree expert here last year and she said this one is dying of old age, likely 75-100 years old. It's actually one tree, with a huge base at the bottom with two trunks coming out of it.

I love looking around spruce and cedar bushes to find where the deer have been sleeping. To the left of the spruce tree trunk you can see where the deer has slept. The snow under him is all melted.

 Where oh where is Richard?

 Richard got to test out his new snowshoes!

This topiary tree was on my list to cut down. Richard said we should let it grow and he was right! It's practically doubled in size in the last few years.

I just love how the hollyhocks wear their snow in a white coat.

I sort of thought the snow on the branches looked like fish skeletons. Am I nuts?

What I call the Boo Radley tree. Wonder what critter lives in that hole?

The deer seem to be the only ones who are walking by the old picnic table in the woods. Almost time for our annual winter picnic though...

The Mighty Mogelon is snow covered at this time of year, making its crossing very easy!


  1. That was such a lovely walk - great photographs, I love the blue in them. Your Boo Radley tree looks very intriguing - could it be the home of tree-fairies? Enough of my nonsense. I feel refreshed after all that snow and beauty. Many thanks.

  2. How do we know that's really Richard under all of that gear? I could be anybody...

  3. How lovely seeing the animal tracks and all the beauty the snow has created.

  4. I think walking is the only way to enjoy winter. These pics of your walk are such a pleasure - it all looks so pretty and blue and white.

  5. Like! Like! Like!
