Friday, January 6, 2012

Kitty Cuteness Alert!

Anything cuter than two little boys curled up on a chair in front of the fire on a cold night? Nahh...


  1. Certainly warmer than sitting there on your own, with the temps. you are getting Ronna.....

    Have you ever heard the term '3 dog night?'

    They do look very cosy and comfortable there on the chair.....

    Have a great weekend,

    Claire :}

  2. I love when they cuddle. Lots going on here, too.

  3. You hit the nail on the head there, sister!

  4. Well, I admit they are INCREDIBLY adorable, but you know I have an 8-week old bundle o' cuteness sequestered in my spare bedroom right now... it's a tough competition! :)

  5. My two males don't cuddle as much as they used, your two are definitely cute.
