Monday, January 2, 2012

Bringing in the New Year

New Year's Eve is the time for sharing a meal of appetizers so this year I did a few nice platters. I loved the simple look of this one.

Caviar is du rigueur and in this case salmon roe did the trick.

I also thought that angels on horseback as well as devils on horseback would be a fun, retro hors d'oeuvres...

...and Richard did a great job preparing both.

How about curried deviled eggs topped with salmon roe?

For dessert, and closer to midnight, Natalie and Gordon had prepared a sumptuous chocolate fondue.

We all dug in! One dark chocolate fondue, the other a maple cream version.

Richard clearly enjoyed it...

We were all elbowing in for a taste of that fondue!
Natalie dug right in too.

Then it was time for silly masks!

And silly hats too!

And a champagne toast to 2012. Happy New Year everyone!

Acting silly is the perfect way to bring in the new year, right?


  1. What a wonderful feast. The coffee table looks pretty wonderful too!

    A lovely way to bring in the new year.

  2. looks fab, sis
    love you xoxoxo

  3. Hey Ronna, what a great way to welcome in the New Year, definitely silly hats and masks add to it.
    What's that saying? Start out as you mean to continue, or something along those lines.......

    Looks like you all had a wonderful time, best wishes for a great 2012.

    Claire :}

  4. Love the silly masks and hats. What a great way to bring in 2012. Happy New Year - hope it is a super one.

  5. That was the best NYE I have had in YEARS!!!
