Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Scenes from a Birthday Brunch

At Sigrun's birthday brunch on Sunday, there were all sorts of food stations. The bacon-quiche-latke station was a real hit!

As was the make-your-own burrito station.

There was a bagel station too, with cream cheese and homemade smoked salmon spread too.

The plate was unbelievable!

Then Sigrun's sister Sue went next door to bring us the kitten her dog had found in the ditch and saved.

Love at first sight!

We all went a little ga-ga with the little girl at the table!

Then it was cake time with the birthday girl at the helm.

She served up pieces based on what veggies you wanted. I chose an eggplant and carrot combo.

Looks like Nat got peas in the pod.

Little Sam's sophisticated palette demanded eggplant.

And then we all dug in. All in all, a yummy way to spend a Sunday afternoon!


  1. Such yummy food! Love Sam and his eggplant, and of course the KITTY!

  2. All looks scrumptious and your cake is so amazing. That lucky kitten. How do they end up where you find them? It always baffles me. Thank God she is safe. Are you taking her home, Ronna?

  3. What a cute Kitty. I want her!!
    Looks like a delicious brunch indeed!
