Thursday, December 8, 2011

Night and Day...

This little guy was photographed yesterday out my bedroom window. We're all still waiting for snow!

Meanwhile, at night, the flying squirrels have returned to my bird feeder. They're quite tame and I usually talk to them as I photograph them. Not easy to get them in focus. Shooting at night is a challenge! The light for this pic comes from my desk lamp...


  1. It's amazing you took that with the light from a desk lamp! I like the contrast between day and nights squirrels!

  2. They are just soooo cute Ronna, would love to look out my window and see one scampering about.

    It's giveaway time over at my blog, pop over and put your name in the hat if you like owls.........

    Claire :}

  3. Nicely done. We have a huge black fellow who comes and steals sunflower seeds off our window sill - he's about as big as the cats, who sit and chatter at him from inside.

  4. Wow! It does look very green in the daytime photo of the squirrel. So strange for December 7 - looks more like spring. Great pic of the flying squirrel.
