Thursday, December 29, 2011

Jack Then and Now

About five years ago this little guy showed up at my house. I already had five cats and figured I couldn't possibly take on another (crazy cat lady alert!) so I found a good home for him in Montreal.

His mum and dad went to Florida for a few weeks and didn't know where to board him. I was the logical choice! He's an absolute doll.

I haven't actually mixed him up with the others of my gang and he seems happy in his room full of blankets and toys. I don't want him to go back home!


  1. He has the cutest little round face!

  2. He's a dolly. Now you see what I go through with other owner's cats. I fall in love with them in seconds.

  3. You and my Missus would definitely see eye to eye!

  4. I love his tubby little tummy - give it a tickle for me.

  5. You - a crazy cat lady? Never! But what a wonderful looking cat, and you look so happy holding him.
