Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The End of an Era

I guess it had to happen. Issue 25 was the last one in my six year adventure with ATC Quarterly, a zine I produced out of my house and mailed around the countryside and to the other side of the world too. It's been a hoot and I've been in contact with so many interesting artists who helped inspire me along the way. So long ATC Quarterly. It's been a slice!
(Back issues are still available. To check 'em out click here.)


  1. Sad it's over, but what an accomplishment. YOu did an amazing job.

  2. What a wonderful run it had! I understand why you decided to end it on its silver anniversary (that's 25, isn't it?)... but you did an amazing job. I am so proud of you!

  3. Thanks for the memories....What a corny way to say thank you. I love my quarterlies. Thanks.

  4. Ronna, I enjoyed every single article in every single issue (I joined with issue #7)! Thank you so much for all your hard work - it was a blast! :D

  5. It was a great run and a great publication. I am so pleased some of my ATCs were included in a couple of issues. You did a fabulous job, Ronna!

  6. Thanks for producing so many years of a wonderful inspiring ATC magazine. I know more than a few of the Vancouver ATC Group members had their ATCs printed, and we were always thrilled to see the wide range of work in each issue. And (in the silver lining department) now that the set is "complete" I can work on binding them into a wonderful book. Congratulations Ronna on a job well done!

  7. Thank you, Ronna, for including my ATCs in your magazine. It was an honor to be asked and I'll cherish that issue always. You did a superb job!
