Friday, November 4, 2011

The Old Forge

This painting by local folk artist Christina Ferguson, c. 1966, was hanging in a home in the village of Dunvegan. Leslie Clark who owns the painting asked me to come by and see it because it depicts the old blacksmith shop and attached home where the original owners of my property lived.

And here's what it looks like today. You can certainly see the similarities in the roof line and windows. My mum and dad cut a door into the wall of the old forge so that they could drive their car into it but other than that, it's much the same nearly 50 years later.


  1. What a neat folk painting of a topic so familiar and loved by you.

    Do you slip a stickynote on the back of it "Return to Ronna", just so eventually it might come home to roost?

  2. What a great connection to the history of these buildings. Now all you need are some horses!

  3. Isn't that amazing? I wish you could have the painting too! Your house is so cool.

  4. I love old buildings. I have a little one on our property, too. Would it not be great if you could have this?

  5. Yes, I wish I knew what happened to it. The gentleman who owned it is now in a senior's residence and I'm not sure what happened to all his property...
