Monday, November 14, 2011

Goodbye Gordon

Last week, The Glengarry News saluted Gordon Winter, the recently retired correspondent who had reported on the goings-on in Maxville for some 20 plus years. About 35 people met for a special supper to wish him well.

Since his weekly columns always ended with bird news, I was asked to make him a special cake featuring various birds.

He seemed to really get a kick out of it. And there was very little cake left at the end of the evening. Best of luck Gordon!


  1. I always used to check Gordon's column for the bird news. I miss it.
    Glad he was well enough to go out to the supper.

  2. The perfect cake for him, and he looks very pleased!

  3. Your cake is awesome, as usual. Love the eggs in the nest.

  4. Hey Ronna, what a wonderful cake, love the eggs in the nest.

    Certainly sounds like Gordon is going to be missed along with his column.

    Claire :}
