Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Art Show & Sale

This coming Saturday is our annual Christmas-time art show and sale. Perfect opportunity to pick up small artworks, either to give as gifts or as a gift for yourself. Please mark it on your calendar. It's always a good time. And there will be coffee and snacks too!

I've done all sorts of varied stuff this year: pencil and colour pencil drawings, watercolour and ink sketches, hand-painted cards and some more folk art on wood like the one above. This black cat was commissioned by a friend whose husband lost his beloved 17-year-old Murphy in September. This painting was done in homage to him.


  1. Murphy is cute as a button!
    Best of luck to all of you next Saturday! I am sure it will be a splendid show!

  2. I hope there are lots of cat-themed items. I also saw one of Natalie's chicken art-works on her website. I love these annual shows. Looking forward to seeing you Saturday.

  3. Ronna, I hope you don't mind, I have found my way over from Natalie's blog. I love your work too. Here's hoping you all have a wonderfully successful art show!
