Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Rafter of Turkeys

Driving home from work yesterday, I noticed something dark on the side of the road.

About 16 wild turkeys! Thank gawd, Thankgsiving has come and gone.

The boss on the left seemed to be herding them about...

...and sent them all into the ditch as I approached. Eventually, they scattered and flew into the trees. (Yes, turkeys can fly!)


  1. I had a flock dive-bomb my car as I drove slowly down a country road. They will actually attack if your car is small and slow. They didn't damage the car but I was rolling up the windows fast.They are really cool aren't they.

  2. Saw a flock the other day, but I was too slow with the camera and they were too fast with the feet. Your shots are great.

  3. Ah, the joys of living in the country. Not only do you get to see things like wild turkeys by the side of the road but you can actually stop the car to take pictures (and not worry about a ton of traffic behind you). These really are impressive pics.

  4. I'm glad you had your camera with you!

  5. "As God is my witness....I thought turkeys could fly!"

    Mr.Carlson has been vindicated after all these years!

  6. Send one to us! Thanksgiving isn't here yet!
