Thursday, October 6, 2011

Camden Hills Park

While on our vacation in Maine, we headed to Camden Hills State Park.

Mt. Battie was our destination and instead of driving we thought we'd walk up.

Our eventual destination was the tower at Mt. Battie.

We couldn't see the tower... what an amazing view of the bay at Camden.

Nice flat rocks at the top...

...and views galore. I guess the hour and a half hike was worth it

We took tons of photos of the edge of cliffs.

And lookie here! See that road in the distance on the smaller mountain? Why that's Mt. Battie with the road going to the tower.

We eventually made it down what turned out to be Mt. Megunticook, the highest peak on the mainland of Maine...

...and drove up to the tower at Mt. Battie.

In the distance, you can see Mt. Megunticook and the flat rocks where we were sitting just a little while before.

Great views of Camden's harbour from Mt. Battie too...


  1. What fun! And you did double duty, hiking the higher peak before getting to the tower... Looks wonderful.

  2. Wow, talk about spectacular views!

  3. Some people have more energy than others...

  4. That's hilarious - you climbed the wrong mountain! But oh well - the views look like they were fabulous and you got some great photos.

  5. Aw-I love that last photo. Thanks for the hike. I'm exhausted. ;-)
