Friday, September 16, 2011


Another lunchtime visit to my local feed store that also sells animals. This time there were kittens...

...and very silly puppies who were all very interested in a friendly rat!.

A rat?! Yes, he is the cutest critter. Wish he had a different tail. He'd be easier to love, no?

This guy had tons of personality. Seriously, isn't he cute or have I lost it?


  1. No, you haven't lost it. I babysat a rat for a while and the little guy was most endearing.

  2. I don't see it. I can't get past the orange kitten.

  3. He really is cute with his little nose poking through the cage. Brave wee guy to be looking out with cats and dogs around.

  4. I have heard that rats make great pets and are very intelligent. This guy really is cute. You definitely haven't lost it!

  5. I love rats, and I'd have one as a pet were it not for the cat kingdom here.
