Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Make Way For Ducklings

We visited Natalie and Gordon's newest brood on the weekend. Ducklings!

So sweet...

...and soft and fluffy.

The drakes kind of marched around and didn't really care much for the babies.

Some of the ducklings hung out in the food dish.

Mama was watching over this baby thinking about going for his first swim in a paint tray.

I guess the water dish looked more tempting for a swim.

I finally got to meet Ronna the duck. She's a lovely critter and we have the same blue eyes!


  1. You guys got some great photos of the babies!! And Ronna the duck is just as lovely as Ronna the human. :)
    The babies are growing so fast...

  2. Oh, I could just scream like a little girl when I see these. my age.

  3. PS I like how MacGregor is behind you, giving you the once over!
