Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summer Stuff

There are some foods that just scream "summer." Bean salad is one of them. Have you ever eaten 3-bean salad in the winter? I haven't. This one was especially delish because Richard used his own steamed green and yellow beans for this dish.

Grilled zucchini. With zukes galore in the garden, grilling them and covering them with balsamic vinegar, oil and garlic, salt and pepper also yells, "It's summer!"

And these two cuties? Oreo and Cookie love the great summer weather but safely, if you please, from their cat shelter. No wild animals or fast cars on the road for them! Happy summer ya'll!


  1. I'm impressed. You have made zucchini look so yummy. When I had a garden, I always had too many and never knew what to do with them.

  2. Those veggies look delicious. Glad to see the kitties safe and sound.

  3. The salads were great, and I love your pretty kitties!

  4. We call them wax beans. I'm growing them and should have some this weekend. We pay a premium in the farmer's market--like $8/kg for 'yellow beans'

  5. Love your cats, the calico one looks a little like our "thor", cats always look so imperial, unless they are chasing a fly around :)
