Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How Cold Was It?

It was so hot, I figured it was the perfect time to defrost my freezer. I used a gizmo my parents always used. It's probably very dangerous and illegal now, but it works!

I even have its original box. The "Lady Torcan Defroster." Don't you love it?


  1. Boy, I sure could use one of those.
    I have to defrost my fridge (vintage 1950') but still working great!
    I use the old boiling water in the pots methods my mom used to use. But you can't do it on a hot day: you'll melt as well!

  2. LADY Torcan, yes, no self-respecting male would be caught dead defrosting a freezer.

  3. That box is great! And what a cool little tool (I use a hair dryer myself). Isn't it interesting how there are all sorts of things we used to do that are considered unsafe or even illegal now?

  4. "Lady Torcan, I love it!! And that sucker looks pristine.

  5. I simply unplug the freezer, open the door and wander off for a few hours. When I see a stream of melted water flowing across the kichen floor, I know the job is done... yes, I could use one of those defrosting thingies...
