Friday, July 22, 2011

Baby, It's Hot Out There

The reading outside from my car's thermometer was 39 Celsius (102 Farenheit). And that's not with the humidity. With the humidex it feels like 46 Celsius which is like 107 F. Too frigging hot!


  1. Yeah it's been over 100F here the past few days. Stay cool and hydrated! :D

  2. Wearing fleece here in Oregon tonight. Hoping for a 30 degree day tomorrow. No summer so far this year!

  3. Hey Ronna, this is the very reason I love WInter so much.

    I opn't do humidity at all. Give me 44deg. and dry heat any day, I can deal with that so much better.

    Hope you get a cool change soon.

    Claire :}

  4. Toooooo stankin' HOT!!! I see it's supposed to be 33C today. I am looking forward to next week, cooler with rain.

  5. Yea no kidding, I feel for roofers, fire fighters, oil workers, bee keepers :) Anyone who has to ware a suit in this heat, I have to work outside under the sun but at least I can ware shorts.
