Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lunch with Goslings

Sunny days have taken me to the park for lunchtime. The other day, I had my sandwich on a park bench as the Canada Geese and their babies had their lunch on the lawn in front of me.

Mom and Pop decided it was time to take the little ones for a march.

Off they trundled towards the sandy beach.

And in they ducks to, geese to water. Oh, you know what I mean.

And off they swam...Hey wait a minute. Didn't your mother always tell you that you had to wait 30 minutes before hitting the water after eating?


  1. These are the cutest photos. And look at all those ducklings!!

  2. My mother always said we had to wait an hour. All those hours of waiting... for what has turned out to be an ol' wives' tale.

  3. Obviously, geese have more sense than humans. When you see water, just get in! I wish my mother had thought that.

  4. Knowing Canada Geese, they pooped out lunch before they got to the water...
