Thursday, May 5, 2011

Spring's Advance

At the back of the property was an old bass tree that finally fell in the harsh winds we've been experiencing lately. We moved part of it away from the only patch of wild garlic in the woods.

Last year's walk shows the tree upright, although look how hollow it was. It wouldn't have taken much for it to have fallen down.

We came across a pile of grouse feathers, the remains of some forest creature's lunch, no doubt.

Last year's dried mini-puffballs on a stump. I'm going to have to remember to revisit this in the fall.

Some other sort of dried mushrooms. Love the amorphous look of them.

Spring beauties, one of the first wildflowers of spring were starting to pop up.

The trout lilies were up too. This one came up early, sitting next to a warm rock and was the only one visible. I came back to the woods four days later and the forest floor was covered with them.

Vultures sailed above us. We made sure to keep moving...


  1. Hey Ronna what beautiful photos, looove the markings on the grouse feathers. Someone enjoyed a tasty meal.

    Beautiful Spring flowers, obviously lots of little 'treasures' to be be found in the woods.

    Claire :}

  2. Lots of beautiful signs of spring!

  3. I saw some of that stuff yesterday in the country. Does the heart good to take a walk in the bush. Poor bird, I wish everything survived on berries. Loved the photos. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

  4. How encouraging to see these signs of spring in the woods. I have been wondering lately, with all the cold weather we've been having, if spring would ever really come. But Mother Nature obviously knows more than we do!
