Monday, May 16, 2011


The weekend was rainy and perfect to spend time indoors visiting our neighbours who are in the midst of lambing. I could hardly contain myself. Too much cuteness!

All the mums are put together in one large pen...

There were some pretty proud mums in there!

This little lady gave birth to triplets two days ago!

It was pretty hard to keep them still to take a group shot.

She was pretty interested in what I was up to. Sweet thing.

Meanwhile, the boys were kept on the other side of the barn and kept poking their heads through to see what was going on.

And to top off an already perfect day, there was a big, gray barn cat that wanted his belly rubbed. What a great day all round!


  1. Oh! They are soooooo cute. Love the kitty, too.

  2. How many lambs came home with you?

  3. Great photos Ronna. I hope that mom with triplets got some kind of special meal or something after that. Phew!
    Love the kitty photo.
    Doing lots around the house today as we have the same weather.

  4. Boys on one side, girls on the other. My kinda barnyard...

  5. Wow - it is like an Easter card all over again! Lambs are such a warm and fuzzy symbol of spring.

  6. That is cuteness. The kitty photo too.
