Monday, May 2, 2011

Canada: It's Time to Vote!

Click to enlarge.
Before I placed my first-ever vote at the age of 18, I wrote the leaders of the three political parties and asked why I should vote for them. As it happened, Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau was my Member of Parliament, so in this case, HIS name was on my ballot!

He wrote a very eloquent letter as to how I should place my first vote.

Joe Clark, the leader of the opposition wrote a good letter too. (For some reason, I didn't hear from the NDP.) At any rate, I thought it was good of these two leaders to respond to a soon-to-be 18-year-old voter. I wonder if the leaders today would do the same thing?
My late-mother always said that if you didn't vote you couldn't complain. So I'm off to vote today and I hope all my Canadian readers are doing the same. For better or worse, let's get out there!


  1. Me too, off to vote early and strategically. Don't you love P.E.T.'s signature?

  2. Great letter from Pierre! I'm impressed they wrote back to you, and it sounds like they actually read what you wrote. :)

  3. Wow - lucky you, having Pierre Trudeau to vote for. Joe Clark was (and is) a good leader too. Those were the days!

  4. I love that you wrote these before your first ever vote! I also totally agree with the "if you don't vote you can't complain" statement.

  5. Beautiful piece... if you ever wanted to sell it, let me know. Like yourself, I'm a connoisseur of Trudeau stuff.
