Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring at Voyageur Park

The weather has been pretty cold and wet lately but we found one nice day on the weekend and headed over to Voyageur Park, close to the Quebec border.

I'd never been here before and the walk had amazing wetlands...

...and the woods were full of interesting shapes.

Fallen trees had funky fungi.

The coltsfoot was up. They are the first flowers to bloom in the spring and look almost like dandelions but actually bloom before the dandelions do!

The trees were budding and waiting for more sun and heat.

After almost an hour hike, you get to the beach.

I just loved the patterns made by bird feet on the sand.

Richard walked further down where the beach was more rocky.

What a nice place for a picnic.

The Canadian geese had gathered on a little spit of land in the Ottawa River. You can see Chute à Blondeau in the distance.

I love the bleakness of the landscape.

There's something so nice about the silence of this place.


  1. You're such a good noticer. Love that last pic.

  2. Peter and I drove by the park years ago and I always wanted to go back, walk around, but we never did. You have made the whole experience so real - a virtual walk in the park!

  3. How was maple syrup season this year?

  4. The beach looks so peaceful. A great place to have a picnic and read a good book.
