Friday, April 8, 2011

Oreo Chiaroscuro

My ten-year-old Oreo loves to catch some rays shining in from one of the skylights.

She follows the sun as it moves across the sofa.

But eventually, she gets tired from all that activity, so has to lie down and have a snooze.


  1. Nothing lovelier than to cuddle a cat than to cuddle one that has been warmed by the sun.

  2. Hey Ronna, having a little catch up on you postings.

    Oreo is just gorgeous, she looks so soft and cuddly. i don't know how she manages to put up with such tough 'work' conditions!

    Oreo reminds of a cat called Georgia who lives at the farm supply store where I buy chook pellets. Georgia is usually asleep in a boot box on the counter, I very rarely see her awake, but I always take time to give her a pat.

    They certainly have a hard life........

    Enjoy your weekend and congrats on your 4th. blogiversary,

    Claire :}

  3. Wow -- yesterday you showed us Benny basking in the sun, today we have Oreo doing the same. Do I detect a theme here? I think we have something to learn from these guys!

  4. Sam & Bridget vie for that spot of sun too. I like that cat rug Oreo is lounging on.

  5. Oreo: one smart cookie! (And beautiful, too.)
