Friday, April 1, 2011

Lunch Bag

My mum (who died in 1997) bought me this thermal lunch bag a million years ago. I've recently started using it to take to work. Everyone comments how silly it is that it says "Lunch" on it...but I love it and it's really handy.

I invariably end up packing cheese and crackers (plus miso soup, salad and yogurt on occasion) and pretend I'm at a swanky wine and cheese party, while I'm sitting back in the shipping department amongst piles of old newspapers...
What do you bring for lunch?


  1. Hi Ronna
    I eat at home or in the car since I go from house to house cat-sitting. It's always a sandwich since I love bread. My mom also died in 1997 on the day that Princess Diana died. Worst day of my life.
    Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

  2. Gin. Vermouth. Olives.

  3. I love how it says LUNCH on it. Something to look forward to all morning and no confusion!

  4. I think it's great that your bag says LUNCH on it. As I get older, I think more things should be labelled to assist me in a cluttered world. Such a tasteful bag and a tasteful lunch inside.

  5. I love your lunch bag! And that's a healthy looking meal. Gordon just made me a nice tuna sandwich.

  6. Geez, Deb, my Mum died about a week later on September 8, 1997!

  7. That is one classy lunch bag...and still in good condition.

  8. Yogurt first, then hard-boiled egg, apple, and granola bar, using the empty yogurt cup as a little trash can until I get home.
    For a bigger lunch, I'll add a cheese sandwich and carrot sticks.
