Monday, April 25, 2011

100 Things to do with a Matzo

We're just about at the end of Passover and I'm getting ready to get back to leavened bread! In the meantime, it's amazing what you can do with matzo. Chocolate caramel crunch...

The ol' standard: matzo, butter and jam...

...or a matzo pb&j.

Savoury versions can include an Italian recipe my sis sent me that was almost like a matzo pie/lasagne type thing.

Using matzo meal, there's always the classic matzo ball soup.

My mom's incomparable fried matzo, almost like French toast.

Would go great with a side of bacon, eh?


  1. All looks yummy to me. I am a big fan of the butter and jam. Didn't know you could do so much with it.
    How about a post on your cats...haven't seen them for awhile. Have a great Monday. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

  2. I vote for the Matzo ball soup.
