Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Updates from the Back Forty

With the weather warming up and the snow receding, Richard and I know our wood hauling window is closing. There is Richard, waaay in the distance on his way to cut.

A long-dead tree on the edge of one of the fields needed to be cut.

Meanwhile, I headed out back and saw the lovely sight of melting.

Yes, the Mighty Mogelon, my parents' mocking moniker for our tiny stream out back, was coming to life.

Love all the angles of the weeds surrounded by ice and water.

On the way back to the sound of R's whining chainsaw, I noticed a few nannyberries from last year, still hanging out.

They are edible, like a wild raisin, and contain one, flat seed. Richard and I each had one. They almost taste a bit like a prune. I've actually made nannyberry butter (like apple butter) out of them one year. Pretty yummy.


  1. "The Mighty Mogelon", I love that! I hear we're in for a snow dump, then freezing rain, then rain... what a mess!

  2. Mocking? Mocking? The Mighty Mogelon is not to be mocked!

  3. Lovely scenery...but snow receding?... it looks like a winter wonderland here. I never thought I'd say this: but bring on the spring slush!
