Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Have You Used One of These?

Okay, so if you read this blog, and you're over 40, then you've likely used one of these. If you're under 40, this odd shaped thing is called a PHONE BOOTH. In the days before cell phones (can you believe there were days like this?), these elongated boxes were the only way you could call home. And it used to cost a dime. Then a quarter. Now I think you can use your credit card! There are fewer and fewer of these phone booths around, which is why I labelled this post to go with my other posts on "antiques."


  1. It looks so sad and lonely out there, all by itself.

  2. Funny, I was just wondering the other day how long it's going to be before these disappear completely!

  3. Don't forget that these strange devices were also used as changing rooms for superheroes, secret message passing spaces for spies, spots for dubious encounters between lovers, and a crash pad for college students (the more the merrier)!

  4. Indeed, where does Clark Kent change into Superman now?

  5. What does it do again?

  6. I used to wait for the school bus in one of those back home (only of course it was red and had a crown on it). It's still there and still works...

    These things are a lot cheaper than a cellphone, more reliable, never run out of juice, are more environmentally friendly, and contribute to the health of those who use them (why because they walk to them, of course...)

    And they keep the rain off schoolkids...

    (Yes, I'm clearly a Luddite)

  7. I was going to make a comment about superheroes but Marcia beat me to it! :)

  8. Lots of people were shot while using them in gangster movies...

  9. They are still the only telephones for the poor. Once public phones are gone, our most vulnerable fall ever further behind.
