Friday, February 25, 2011

Puss 'n' Boots

Here's my brother Larry, with his bride-to-be Maureen and our cat Ballou in 1978 on the front steps of our house in Montreal.

We moved from Montreal in 1982. Here's my family, right after we sold the house (sans my bro who had already moved to Toronto) with our two cats, Ballou (16) and Haskins (1). Ballou lived till he was 18. Unfortunately, little Hasky got hit by a car out in the country.

Ballou was insistent on his diet: chicken Puss 'n' Boots. Probably not the best cat food in the world but that's all he'd eat. The tin above is a bit more vintage than I recall but the illustration of Puss 'n' Boots was pretty much the same. Always makes me think of Ballou.


  1. Great pictures! And some things never change (you with a cat in your arms!)

  2. I love that middle picture. Except for Marcia not being in it, it is exactly how I think of all of you and exactly how I always picture your mum and dad!

  3. OK, wait, that's Marcia not Larry? They could be twins.

  4. Except Larry has a lot less hair than Marci!

  5. I remember Puss'n'boots cat food too. That's all we gave our cat until we found a rock in the tin!
    Love that pix with your mother.

  6. I didn't know you wore glasses...

  7. Yikes! Lauren thought I was Larry! Bad hair day!!!!!

  8. Hey Ronna, I nominated you for a Stylish blogger award. Check my blog for details! :)

  9. I worked at a cat shelter in the late 1990s in Nova Scotia, and we had one sweet lady who donated case after case of Chicken Puss n' Boots.

    Just thinking about it now, I'm starting to gag. Oh, the smell of that stuff! When you fill 60 cat dishes with it on a daily basis, it makes an indelible impression! :)


  10. What fun photos! I guess that what seemed ho-hom to us has now come full circle and vintage.
