Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Peekaboo Cardinal

I heard the click-click call of a cardinal the other day.

He sure is one elusive bird but with those gorgeous red feathers, you can't really miss him.

I tried to get a good photo of him, but he kept tucked behind some lilac branches.

Peekaboo Mr. Cardinal.

Ahh, there you are my beauty. Gotcha!


  1. How wonderful in February, when it seems like it has been dull and grey for so long, to see such a brilliant splash of red.

  2. he's beautiful! always liked cardinals and all that vibrant red...have a tweet day!

  3. So pretty! My goldfinches have all mysteriously disappeared. Maybe they are over at your place.

  4. Probably, Kantolee - I hear she puts out some really good treats!
