Friday, February 11, 2011

Lunching & Blogging at Limes Café

Natalie and I went for lunch yesterday in Vankleek Hill at The Limes Café.

I started with a nice cup of coffee...

...and a mushroom quiche and salad. Yum-o!

Natalie opted for the broccoli and cheddar soup with a chicken and cheese panini.

We had to go to the counter and choose one of their yummy desserts.

We both had cookies. Mine was a chocolate biscotti that went great with a second cup of coffee.

Both of us photographed and clicked away like crazy. Two blogging fools! To see Natalie's blog about our lunch click here: Knatolee's Blog.


  1. I had a great time! Boy, I am studying those desserts VERY intently. And I just posted about this on my blog. :)

  2. I checked out both blogs.. sort of like being there! Actually, not enough like being there.... sigh... miss you, sis! xoxo

  3. I think Knatolee had the better lunch--but then I wouldn't have been able to have that because of the War on LARD! And forget the dessert, bring another soup!

  4. Got to see you new RED camera on Knat's post. Very cool!
