Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mum's Dancing Chicken Revisited

Richard pulled this contraption out of the cupboard the other day and asked me what it was. I replied, "My mother's dancing chicken thingie." Our oven in the country was smaller than the one in the city and too small for a standing chicken, so once we moved, we never made it again. Until this weekend.

Richard's oven is plenty big, so we got a nice-sized bird and stood it up on it's dancing stand. My mother used to make the bird do the can-can. Always made us kids laugh.

In the end, dancing chicken was a fabulous way to roast the bird and now I remember why my mum liked it so much. Dancing chicken will make another visit to a table near me very soon.


  1. For some reason your blog made me think of Mary Pratt's chicken paintings. Maybe you could do something similar - i.e., draw a dancing chicken using your mothers dancing chicken thingie. It could be really surrealist!

  2. That is too funny, love the dancing bird. I see these vintage contraptions in antique stores and always wonder what they are, now if I see one of these I'll know what it is in advance. Dancing chickens for skinny stoves.

  3. Hey, didn't I see that chicken on "You Can Dance Canada"?

  4. Deer AUntie Ronna,

    Why are yoo eatin my cuzin?

    Fearfully yours,


    PS Mommy says it looks dee-licious. I'm watchin' my back.
