Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Wishes

The critters here in eastern Ontario wish you a very happy new year.

Here's hoping that your glass is always half full.

That you make new friends...

...and always remember to share with others.

May the road rise up to meet you, and may the wind be ever at your back.


  1. And to you too, my dear sister ... xxooxxoo

  2. Happy New Year Francine!

  3. What a beautiful post. I love the pic of the chickadee on your hand. Is that a woodpecker in the first pic? It looks like one but I can't identify it. A very happy new year to you, too, Ronna.

  4. Yup, the first pic is a woodepecker. A female Downy or Hairy...not sure which.

  5. Great pics! Happy New Year Ronna!!! I hope to see more of you in 2011 :)

  6. Love the pix. ...and glad you included Mr. Squirrel too!
    Happy New Year Ronna!

  7. Marvellous photos, Ronna ...especially the birds. They actually made me see the plus side of winter.
