Friday, December 3, 2010

Looking Back

I pulled out the old photo albums the other day and came across a zillion cakes I'd done over the past 20 or so years. Here's one that I just loved. I made it for my friends Nancy and John who were married in Ithaca, NY in July, 1998. I wrapped up the cake and drove it there, about a 5 hour drive. When I got to customs, the guy asked me a few questions, the last of which was, "So what are you bringing to the wedding?" and my response was (pointing to the back seat), "The cake!" He chuckled and said, "Have fun." And I did!


  1. My, you look so much like your dad in that picture!
    BYW. That wonderful cake could double as a hat for the Royal Wedding. LOL.

  2. Fabuloso! Love the way you did the icing, like watercolours.

  3. It was not only beautiful, but delicious! And boy, did it rain! Hmmm, someone ATE the the cake out in the rain...
    we asked people to buy a piece of original art for themselves or bring food to our 4th of July picnic/potluck/wedding. Oh, the 4th of July is a holiday in the States--it's why the queen isn't on our money. People outdid themselves but this cake was the BEST gift, Ronna!

    Can you imagine trying to bring a cake through the border now? "After we take off its shoes and give it a full body scan, we will have to pat it down and eat it. Then it can be on its way..."

  4. To paraphrase what my daughter said when she saw her third birthday cake(a modest chocolate one) ..."Dat's Umcredible!" Really, there's no end to your artistry Ronna.
