Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Potatoes & Chard & Snow

Snow on the last day of October? Definitely time to dig up the potatoes.

And there were lots of those suckers down there.

Richard and potatoes and snow. Oh my!

Check out those lovely potatoes!

Meanwhile, I figured I'd better pick some chard.

I'll be able to gather this chard for a little while longer...or until the deer find it, which ever comes first.

Lovely stuff, no?

I then thawed the puffball I had made into schnitzel a few weeks back and made a few layers of it with tomato sauce, freshly grated Parmesan cheese and steamed chard. A puffball lasagna if you will.

1 comment:

  1. Your chard looks delicious...and that lasagna. I bow to your creative genius!
