Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Zukes Galore

At the Harvest Fall Festival at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum, there was the annual Zucchini Contest.

This year's heaviest weighed in at 13 pounds and a few ounces. It's the one with the red ribbon.

There was also the best-dressed category. This one won for best dressed pioneer lady I think.

And this one got "Best Zuke Dressed as Moby Dick."

I had to settle for my "Participant" ribbon; my poor zuke only weighed in at 6 pounds, 5 ounces. Well...there's always next year.


  1. Now, now, Ronna. It's not all about the size...

  2. But you look so proud of your little zuke.

  3. I'm getting excited.

  4. Ha! My friend got a good pic of me surreptitiously petting one of the zukes (the zuke-minder didn't look too thrilled at the hands-on attention they were getting). The Moby Dick is too funny.
