Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tennessee Travels #3

We learned a lot about the Civil War while we were in Tennessee. We went to Franklin, TN, the site of a bloody battle.

Carter House was right in the middle of the fight...

...and while the battle was going on, the family hid in the basement.

The bullet holes are still apparent. Pretty scary stuff.

Down the road a piece was the Carnton Plantation...

...a huge home that served as a field hospital to over 1,000 soldiers. The floors of the surgery rooms upstairs are still blood stained.

Many of the men who didn't make it are buried here.


  1. What a great trip! Beautiful houses, and the bullet holes are fascinating.

  2. Hate the Stars and Bars--stands for the worst in our history...

  3. Yep! That's my home! I wish we had gotten to spend some time together...it would've been so much fun!
