Friday, October 29, 2010

100 Things to Eat Before You Die #7

You gotta try dry rub barbecued ribs. These were from a highly recommended place in Memphis, TN called the Rendez-Vous.

Foodies Jane and Michael Stern loved these ribs to bits. And they weren't wrong. Fab!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Salsa Verde

My friend Natalie gave me a bag of tomatillos a few weeks back. And since I love salsa verde, I thought I'd make a batch.

It's actually pretty easy. You take the little paper husks off the fruit. The recipe called for 1 1/2 lbs and this was pretty close.

Cut tomatillos in half and place cut side down on a foil-lined baking sheet. Place under a broiler for about 5-7 minutes to lightly blacken the skin.

Dump into a food processor with a half a chopped onion, 1 tablespoon lime juice, 1/4 teaspoon sugar, 1 or 2 chopped jalapenos, salt to taste. Process till smooth.
Because I froze this stuff, I didn't add the 1/2 cup cilantro leaves the recipe called for. I'll add this just before I serve it.

And pour into jars and seal. Summer in a jar. Can't wait to crack one open with a tortilla chip in hand.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Old Buick

My friend Peggi's husband Bill has this fabulous old Buick parked in their yard.

Now I know nothing about cars...

...but I know that this sure is a neat looking car.

I took a few photos of is so that I can draw it again.

I drew it in colour pencil some years back, during the winter. Might be time for another visit?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mark Your Calendar!

This year's small art show -- with Holly Kelleher and Natalie Rowe -- will be held on Sunday, November 21 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Dunvegan Recreation Hall. I have been working madly to paint some ceramics. As well, I have done some folk art painting on wood. If you need directions, lemme know!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tennessee Travels #7

We loved southern cooking. Oh that barbecue! We had pulled pork sandwiches in Nashville and...

...ribs in Memphis. (We tried both dry rub and wet versions and loved both.)

The biscuits at the Loveless Cafe are the best in the world. Martha Stewart got a lesson there and Bobby Flay had a throw down with Carol Fay Ellison, the biscuit lady.

And if you're ever down south, finish off your meal with a piece of chess pie. Ya'll come back now, ya hear!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Tennessee Travels #6

While in Memphis, we stayed at The Peabody Hotel, a legendary, luxury hotel.

The big draw is the twice daily march of the ducks who spend their days in the lobby fountain. The duck master oversees their peregrinations.

At 11 a.m. the ducks arrive and at 5 p.m. they march back, on a red carpet, to their duck house on the roof of the hotel. Quacked us up!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tennessee Travels #5

More stuff from Tennessee. Am I boring ya'll yet? This time off to Lynchburg, about an hour and a half drive south from Nashville. We went to Miss Mary Bobo's Boarding House. The meals are served at two sittings and served family style at a table full of other folks -- pass to the left please.

The table was covered with fried chicken, meatloaf, turnip greens, macaroni and cheese, apples baked in Jack Daniels (yum!), black-eyed peas, cole slaw, corn bread and of course, a glass of sweet tea. My cousin Jane, Richard and I just loved it.

After our lunch, we headed to the Jack Daniel's Distillery and took a tour of the premises and found out how the whisky was made.

The cave spring flows year-round at 800 gallons per minute at a constant temperature of 56° and is virtually iron free. It’s the reason why the distillery was located in this spot originally – and why it’s remained there ever since.

I gave the 5'2" statue of Jack, who's standing guard at this spot, a wee peck on the cheek and thanked him for the fine visit down south.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tennessee Travels #4

If you love neon signs like I do, you have to check out Beale Street in Memphis. Wowza!

And here I am, just like Marc Cohn's fabulous song, I'm "Walking in Memphis," actually on Beale Street.

And here's that great tune...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tennessee Travels #3

We learned a lot about the Civil War while we were in Tennessee. We went to Franklin, TN, the site of a bloody battle.

Carter House was right in the middle of the fight...

...and while the battle was going on, the family hid in the basement.

The bullet holes are still apparent. Pretty scary stuff.

Down the road a piece was the Carnton Plantation...

...a huge home that served as a field hospital to over 1,000 soldiers. The floors of the surgery rooms upstairs are still blood stained.

Many of the men who didn't make it are buried here.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tennessee Travels #2

While in Memphis, we had to go to Graceland!

Much of the interior was fancy shmancy but not as grand as one would expect.

There were rooms and rooms of accolades and gold records...

...and other rooms full of silver and mirrors and old TVs (which were brand new in the 1970s) all over the place.

And of course, the famous Jungle Room didn't disappoint. Lovely and tacky!

Elvis, his parents and grandmother are buried in the Meditation Gardens, which face a reflecting pool at the back of Graceland.

Everywhere you looked, there were testaments of love from fans. I think this one said it best.