Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Poutine & New Friends

On Saturday, Richard and I ventured north to Drummondville, QC, to attend the Festival de la Poutine. I got an email from the fellow who runs the site mapoutine.ca who said we should meet for lunch at Chez Louis and share a poutine together before heading to the Festival.

And so we met up with the poutine-loving Anthony (who recognized us from my blog), who was wearing his signature poutine t-shirt...

...and clicking away madly to record each and every poutine he saw.

His lovely partner Sandy also had a poutine although I suspect she's not as huge a fan of the stuff as Anthony is.

We did share some poutine and some talk about judging a good poutine and a lot of general poutine talk.

Okay, Anthony. How do you do it? Thin and still eating your poutine to the very last drop.

Nice to meet you, Anthony! Good times.

1 comment:

  1. Andy is obviously a true poutine aficionado. Drinking gravy?!?

    Looks like you all had a great time!
