Thursday, September 23, 2010

Harvest Fall Festival

The Harvest Fall Festival at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum is always so much fun. This year the skies were blue and the temperature was almost 20C.

I volunteered at the gift shop for a few hours while Richard was outside directing traffic at the parking lot. When we were done, we checked out the festival.

There was tons of stuff going on. Here my friend Susan is making butter, the old fashioned way.

There was a display of antique curlers. One advantage I'd have had over most of those pioneers, although finding a wide-toothed comb might have been a problem.

There were all sorts of characters dressed up in vintage clothing.

Both our curator, Jennifer (right) and fiddler Emily (left) got into pioneer get ups.

There were plenty of cute animals. Nothing like a little girl and a kitten, eh?

Or how about a pair of miniature donkeys?

The horse parade was piped in by the Quigley Pipes and Drums.

Lots of wonderful horses...

...all dressed up with horse brass and such.

After the parade we went over to see if the shingle maker still had his thumbs. (He did.)

This fellow was demonstrating a series of gramophones. He called this one the world's first Walkman.


  1. It was a great time, wasn't it? So much to see and do (and that hand-churned butter was fantastic).

  2. I was shocked and appalled that I could not get a prime executive parking spot for less than a $20 bribe to Richard!!!
